Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the People's Republic of China


State power

  • The Republic of Moldova is a sovereign and independent, unitary and indivisible state;
  • The form of government of the state is the republic;
  • The Republic of Moldova is a democratic state governed by law.

Separation and collaboration of powers

In the Republic of Moldova, the legislative, executive and judicial powers are separated and collaborate in the exercise of their prerogatives, according to the provisions of the Constitution.


The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova is its Supreme Law. No law or other legal act that contravenes the provisions of the Constitution has legal force.

Respect for international law and international treaties

The Republic of Moldova undertakes to respect the Charter of the United Nations Organization and the treaties to which it is a party, establishing relations with other states on the basis of the unanimously recognized principles and norms of international law. Any international treaty that contains provisions in contradiction with the Constitution must be preceded by a revision of it before entering into force.

The unity of the people and the right to identity

The state is based on the principle of the unity of the people of the Republic of Moldova, considering the Republic of Moldova as the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens. The state recognizes and ensures the right of all citizens to preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity.

Republic of Moldova, neutral state

The Republic of Moldova proclaims its permanent neutrality and does not accept the deployment of military troops of other states on its territory.